Scottie Nell Hughes Speaks in Cookeville to 6th District Patriots

Scottie Nell Hughes, who told The Tennessee Star last week “there’s a strong possibility” she will run for the Tennessee 6th Congressional District seat if Rep. Diane Black (R-TN-06) runs for governor, spoke to the 6th District Patriots in Cookeville Thursday night.

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Scottie Nell Hughes was the featured speaker at Thursday night’s meeting of the 6th District Patriots in Cookeville.(right) (click to enlarge)

“As a fierce Conservative Republican, I one hundred percent endorse the strategy of the Democrats which keeps pouring millions of progressive Hollywood dollars into races which result in another loss,” Hughes told the crowd.

“Don’t change a thing in 2018!” was the message Hughes said she had for the Democrats, advice that caused more than one in the audience to laugh out loud.

Hughes also addressed the current situation within the Republican Party.

“President Trump needs strong fighters in Congress who are going to help him fulfill the campaign promises which got him elected,” she said.

“Could you imagine if the time and energy spent on the Russian investigation (which has still not produced any evidence of collision between the campaign and the Kremlin) was spent on fixing our shattered health insurance program, we might actually have a program based on free market competition instead of Government subsidies?” the former Trump campaign surrogate asked.

“Bravo to those who are calling for Republicans to stay in session through the August break. The American people need to see action behind words said on the campaign trail,” Hughes added.

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Scottie Nell Hughes chats with a member of the 6th District Patriots in Cookeville Thursday night.(right) (click to enlarge)

The night started off on a festive note, as the 6th District Patriots presented Hughes with a birthday cake and song.

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Scottie Nell Hughes shares a joke with a member of the 6th District Patriots in Cookeville Thursday night.(right) (click to enlarge)

Hughes closed her speech by addressing the lessons President Trump taught the political professionals in 2016.

“President Trump broke the mold that money is the most important thing in a campaign,” Hughes said.

“Here we have one of the richest men to ever run for public office and yet he won with only a fraction of the budget and staff of previous campaign. Why? Because he properly accessed the problems being faced by the People and developed a message of solutions and his supporters trust him to put action into his promises,” she concluded.

Hughes answered questions from the audience following her speech. The entire event lasted about two hours.

Cookeville, the county seat of Putnam County, is part of the 6th Congressional District, which Hughes will seek to represent in the event Rep. Black opts to run for governor.

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Putnam County is in the center of the 6th Congressional District.(right) (click to enlarge)

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